Writing soothes my soul
Frickin’ Fibroids
In May 2023, I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, which were affecting my quality of life. Removing them was the best option for me.
Bunions & the 10-year difference
At the beginning of 2023, the bunion on my left foot started acting up! By June, I couldn’t ignore the pain any longer. The bunion was affecting my physical activities, and it was time to get it fixed.
The Colonoscopy - The Toilet is the Captain Now
My first colonoscopy should have happened at age 40. I was almost five years behind schedule. In 2023, It was time to let go of fear.
A 2023 Health Journey
I turned 45 in 2023 and my body decided to show up and show out! It was like ma’am you are joining the 45 and up age bracket, you need to stay on top of your ‘rooter to the tooter’ check-ups so you can live a long, happy, and healthy life.
Writing for the love of it
When I decided to write about my 2021 digital nomad life, it ended up being a three piece installment newsletter with more than 30 pages of single spaced text with stingy margins! I was, once again, reminded why I love writing so much.
Coping with the Holidays - Coronavirus Edition
This article reminds us that coronavirus gave us the built-in gift of no, nope, not today, catch me when the virus is over, and gambling with death is not my thing.
Black in America
Breonna, Trayvon, Tamir, Atatiana, Ahmaud, Kalief, Michelle, Freddie, Eric, Tanisha, Alfred, Philando, Antwon, Sandra and the thousands of other black lives lost, could easily be any of us. Those of us still here are fortunate to have lived through the police finding reasons to stop us, humiliate us, and accuse us. We are incredibly tired.